A downloadable Destination for Windows
You play the role of the “Switcher”, the celestial switcher of destiny who directs his different trains to give a destiny to his passengers. You will connect your stellar stations to future humans in order to offer them the best future while limiting catastrophic destinies and chaotic switches.
This game was created as part of Unijam, a student game jam on the theme "Avenir" (future). It has been completed and published after it.
1 player
Mouse :
Left click (pressed on a tile) : Draw tracks between two tiles, in order to connect a trainstation to a destiny (represented by the babies on the map). A train will then follow the path you have drawn.
Connect as many destinies as possible to a trainstation and don't lose babies, who disappear overtime (5 destinies lost and the game is over).
Estimated playtime : 5-15 minutes
Aloïs (LPMJV), Cédric (LP MJV), Karel (JIN), Ludo (JIN), Juliette (JIN), Justine (LP MJV), Simon (JIN), Timothée (TSP 2nd year)
Developers : Juliette, Ludo, Karel, Simon, Cédric & Timothée
Music and sound design : Timothée & Simon
Graphic Designers : Karel (3D), Justine (2D) & Alois (2D)
Game Designers : Alois, Cédric and Justine
Level Designers: Justine and Cédric
Narrative Designers : Alois, Cédric and Justine
Participants also helped each other outside of their roles.
Special thanks to Charlie for one sound effect.
Coco Biker (Title)
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